Friday, April 27, 2012

Subspatial Scaffolding, Aetheric Architecture

This graphic attempt to convey the notions of subspace, or the architecture of volumetric space.  
It is easy to take space for granted, like we assume a fish takes water for granted.  Indeed, were there no water, there'd be no fish -- likewise for space and ourselves.  
It's not so easy to wrap one's mind around non-volumetric reality, though some are familiar with 'Flatland,' a fictional 2-D world.  Space normally provides an habitat for objects to occupy, but under certain conditions, intense gravitation does not allow space to exist as we understand it.  Under those conditions, space is presumed to collapse.  From this we may conclude that some 'thing' or force exists that gives space the rigidity to resist gravitationally-induced collapse.  To this point, physicist David Bohm once remarked in The Holographic Universe that "every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe."   We propose that this role is fulfilled by an architecture, hypothesized in the above graphic.

Mutually complementary elements intersect on orthogonal axes.  This arrangement is presumed to produce a framework that 'erects' space and maintains its volume, similar to the way that a balloon maintains its shape from the force exerted by the gas within.
Complementarity is depicted via the axes of 'opposing' color pairs: red and blue, yellow and green.  These opposing pairs span opposite corners of the bounding box. 
The nexus of the four axes at the center of the figure suggests a combination of the four axes that intersect there.  This is perhaps whence the proposed structive force emerges.
We note that the central nexus is adjoined by the apexes of six square pyramids, the bases of which comprise the  faces of the bounding box and its enclosed cube.

Modern Yarrow Oracle

This handmade, boxed set of sixteen colored cubes is a modern version of the yarrow oracle of Chinese antiquity. The four colors and their proportions to the total yield the same probabilities as would be produced by manipulating the forty-nine yarrow stalks; provided the cubes are selected singly, randomly, and with replacement.

"Platonic Relations"

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Don't Spill My Heart

The heart is a cup.   
We fill it with all manner of libation: 
joy, envy, regret, pity, disappointment, even love.  
Within, these mix to form the exquisite elixir we enjoy as emotional life.  
Like all vessels, however, it has its limit, and must not be filled to the point of spilling.  
Nor should we sip from it to the point of drunkenness.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Constructing the Natal Hexagram

Deriving the Hexagram According to One's Natal Horoscope 

Sample Natal hexagram construction:


An individual desiring to construct their own natal hexagram would simply use their birth horoscope to fill in the middle two columns of the chart.  The contents of the final column are determined by the following schema*, which maps the astrological elements to the Chinese xiang (symbols):
: Greater YANG = AIR
: Greater YIN = EARTH
: Lesser YANG = WATER
: Lesser YIN = FIRE

Once the final column is completed, the three symbols are simply copied line-for-line to form an hexagram.

Resulting Natal Hexagram (from sample data above)
 ==>   =============  
==>    #41 (DECREASE)

A thorough treatment of this topic would offer some explanation for the ordering of the three signs used to compute the natal hexagram.  In Taoist literature, Mankind is often depicted or written as being crucified between Heaven and Earth.  That line of thinking can be leveraged here in the sense that the Sun can be held to represent Heaven's power.  Since the Ascendant is the quasi-literal intersection of Sun and Earth (it's the sign in which sunrise occurs at birth), we can argue this represents Mankind.  This leaves the Moon to represent Earth.  Both are YIN, and Moon influences emotion, also YIN.

**Corresponding Tarot trump: XX (JUDGEMENT)

This presentation is derived (with minor modification) from the works of: 
Charlie Higgins, “Mensionization Complementation: Construction of an I Ching/Astrological Natal Hexagram” (1997) 
**Steve Krakowski's, “An Ancient and Occult Genetic Code” (1996) provides the mapping between Tarot trumps and I Ching hexagrams.